Why Work With SOS?
free final expense
live transfers
SOS is the only agency offering 100% free Final Expense Live Transfers to agents.
free final
expense leads
SOS is the only agency offering 100% free Final Expense Leads to agents.
SOS will train you and provide everything needed to be successful with our free final expense live transfers.
top contracts
SOS offers top contracts with the highest rated companies for free final expense live transfer business.
agency building
SOS will help you build your own final expense live transfer agency with your own downline.
Road to Success

Are you frustrated because you have drive, determination, and you can sell water to a whale - but you don't have quality prospects to sell to?
Have you spent your savings on final expense leads, only to find out that 5 other agents have been sold the same final expense lead? Or you've bought 20 final expense leads and none of them answer their phones?
Have you tried final expense live transfers with a company that transfers prospects to you that have no idea why they were transferred to you or have no money to get coverage?
SOS Is Here To Help!
We don't make money by selling final expense leads or final expense live transfers to agents.
We make money when agents sell.
We are investing in you and your success.
If you have:
Multiple non-resident life insurance licenses or are willing to get them (minimum of 5 states)
At least 16 hours a week to write final expense live transfer business over the phone
Some computer knowledge to be able to write e-apps
The ability to close sales
A strong work ethic
Integrity and honesty...
We want to invest in you.​
Contact us below or call to learn more about how you can be successful with our free final expense live transfers program.